KickstartED a huge success!
Our first ever KickstartED was a huge success!
The event was the first of its kind for our region and we think it's just what we need to bring innovation to life! Participants paid $10 to attend the event. Schools that wanted to pitch an innovation project paid $20. The event started off with 7 schools giving a 1 minute pitch to the room:
Special thanks to ITEF for donating an additional $1000 for the winning project.

After schools were done pitching the room. Everyone was challenged to meet the presenters, ask questions and determine who gets their vote. Whoever has the most votes gets to take home all of the money!
At the end of the event everyone took their ballot and voted for their favorite project. We tallied the votes and at the end of the night there could only be one winner.
Winning $1460 for their project was Rockwood South Middle School's Tiny House Project!