Reflection on the Midwest Global Teaching Dialogue
The 2019 Midwest Global Teaching Dialogue was hosted on Saturday, January 5, 2019 9AM-2PM at the Missouri History Museum. This event aimed to discuss the importance of global competence for 21st century learners and to explore effective practices in global education. The Midwest Global Teaching Dialogue was sponsored by the US Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and featured area leaders in global education.
Event Outcomes:
an understanding of Sustainable Development Goals and how to inspire students to use your content to solve world problems
a practical guide to begin engaging students in global PBL
hearing from students on the skills they have developed in global education learning about Department of State sponsored teacher and student exchange programs
Effective K-12 Global Education Practices
And much, much more
Special thanks to our event partners:
United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
United Nations Association St. Louis
Session Descriptions:
“Museum Literacy: Bring the World to your Students with Museum Teaching Strategies” The ability to understand museum spaces and artifacts is a learned skill, one that’s vital to the cultivation of lifelong, global learners and to helping students develop a greater empathy for cultures around the world. Museum literacy also helps students connect the skills they learn in the classroom to new subject matters and environments. But many students face barriers when trying to learn in museums. Discover how you can ensure your students are prepared to make the most of a museum visit.
“Sustainable Development Goals: Engaging Students in Solving World Problems” United Nations Association of Saint Louis Board Members Carlos Suarez and Luz Rooney will be holding a workshop about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how they play a role in today’s society. From the creation of the post-2015 agenda, and how individuals can contribute toward its progress, this will be an informative session to share information and resources that will inspire our generation to drive progress towards the global goals.
“K-12 Effective Practices in Global Education” Join currently practicing educators as they share their favorite resources in globalizing education. Explore the four avenues of access to globalizing your classroom: content, instructional strategies, assessment and professional learning. Participants will learn how to select and use appropriate technology and media to communicate with diverse audiences and increase cultural understandings to expand opportunities for young people to have meaningful, educational global experiences.
“Learn with the World: Connecting Students in Global Virtual Projects” Want to integrate global interaction into your classroom? Join us for a practical guide to beginning global collaborative virtual projects. Learn how to connect with teachers and students around the world and build cross cultural communication, recognized diverse perspectives and global inquiry skills. Resources, technology tips, and global competency strategies will be shared. Strategies are applicable for K-12 educators in all disciplines.
“Student Panel: Student Exchange Programs and the Importance of Global Education to 21st Learners” Hear from current and former U.S. Department of State sponsored exchange students about the global competencies, aptitudes and perspectives they have developed from their exchange experiences. Students will discuss the application process, how to encourage students to apply and reflect on the value of integrating global competencies into existing best practices.
2019 Midwest Global Teaching Dialogue Schedule
8:30AM-9:00AM Registration and Coffee/Pastries
9:00-9:50 AM Introductions and Keynote Speaker
10:00 -10:50 Session 1
11:00-11:40 Lunch Break
11:50-12:40 Session 2
12:50-1:30 Panel Discussion:
1:30-2:00 Closing Remarks/ Invitation to follow up events

Organizer: Katherine Korte
Photographer Jacki Saxton
Photographer Jack Goetz